Brussels Airlines

22 März 2007 [14:22h]


Brussels Airlines is the Belgian group that is at the forefront of a new era in aviation, and offers the widest choice of flights to and from the capi

tal of Europe. On its European routes, Brussels Airlines offers a low cost product ‘b.light’, which guarantees the lowest fare, as well as an ultra-flexible product, ‘b.flex’, which offers time-saving and comfort at reasonable prices.Between them, the group’s 2.800 employees are responsible for some 300 punctual flights every day to more than 50 premium European airports. Brussels Airlines offers long-haul networks of 13 African destinations, 3 North American destinations, the Unites Arab Emirates, and China. Brussels Airlines was born on the 7th of November 2006 from the marriage between SN Brussels Airlines – the largest full service Belgian airline – and Virgin Express, the first of the mainland European low cost airlines. Brussels Airlines will spread its wings for the first time on the 25th of March 2007. Until then, flights will be operated and commercialised by SN Brussels Airlines and Virgin Express respectively.
